Pterophyllum Leopoldi

Common name Leopold’s Angelfish
Scientific name Pterophyllum leopoldi
Size 20 cm (8 inches)
Tank size W120 x H50 x D50 cm
Temperature range 75°F and 82°F (24°C to 28°C)
pH range 6.0 and 7.0

Pterophyllum leopoldi: The Leopold’s Angelfish


Pterophyllum leopoldi, commonly known as Leopold’s Angelfish or the “Teardrop Angelfish,” is a captivating and lesser-known species of cichlid native to the Amazon River basin in South America. With its unique teardrop-shaped spot and elegant appearance, the Leopold’s Angelfish has a distinct charm that appeals to dedicated cichlid enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore the captivating features, care requirements, and the allure of keeping Pterophyllum leopoldi in a thriving aquarium.


The Leopold’s Angelfish exhibits a graceful and elongated body shape, similar to other angelfish species. Its base coloration ranges from silver to bronze, adorned with a striking teardrop-shaped black spot just behind the gill cover on each side. The spot is outlined in iridescent blue, adding a touch of brilliance to the fish’s appearance. As they mature, the dorsal and anal fins of Pterophyllum leopoldi elongate, enhancing their elegant appeal.

Pterophyllum leopoldi

Behavior and Compatibility:

Pterophyllum leopoldi is known for its peaceful and gentle nature, making it an excellent choice for community aquariums. They are generally friendly towards other non-aggressive fish species that share similar water parameters. However, like other angelfish species, they can be sensitive to aggressive tank mates or those prone to fin-nipping. Therefore, it’s essential to choose compatible tank mates to ensure their well-being.

Tank Setup and Care:

Creating an optimal tank environment is essential for the well-being of Leopold’s Angelfish. A spacious aquarium with a minimum capacity of 40 gallons (150 liters) is recommended for a pair or a small group of Pterophyllum leopoldi, providing ample swimming space and territories. Utilize a sandy substrate to mimic their natural habitat, as they enjoy sifting through sand in search of food and foraging. Adding driftwood, rocks, and live plants provides hiding spots and shelter, creating a harmonious and natural environment.

Water conditions should be maintained within a temperature range of 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C) and a pH level between 6.0 and 7.0, reflecting the slightly acidic to neutral conditions of their native waters. Regular water changes and efficient filtration are necessary to maintain water quality and stability.

Pterophyllum leopoldi



Pterophyllum leopoldi is an omnivorous species with a varied diet. In the aquarium, they readily accept high-quality cichlid pellets, flakes, and granules. To enhance their health and colors, supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, and small insects. Additionally, offering occasional vegetable matter, like spirulina-based flakes or blanched vegetables, is beneficial to provide essential nutrients.

The maximum size of Pterophyllum leopoldi, or Leopold’s Angelfish, is around 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 centimeters) in length, including their elongated fins.


Breeding Leopold’s Angelfish in captivity can be a rewarding experience but may require specific conditions and attention to their breeding needs. They are egg-layers and may exhibit courtship behaviors, such as cleaning flat surfaces and selecting suitable spawning sites. Successful breeding often occurs in soft, slightly acidic water conditions.


Pterophyllum leopoldi, with its unique teardrop-shaped spot and peaceful temperament, is a captivating addition to any dedicated aquarium. By providing a well-maintained tank, suitable hiding spots, a varied diet, and proper care, you can enjoy the beauty and allure of Leopold’s Angelfish in your own home aquarium. Observe their fascinating behaviors, appreciate their distinctive colors, and immerse yourself in the captivating world of Pterophyllum leopoldi.